The driving force behind Fireweed Wellness is Kenzie Wade (she/her), a Registered Massage Therapist, Certified Lymphatic Therapist and Registered Yoga Teacher. Originally from Nova Scotia, she has been in BC since 1999 and is currently living along the shores of the Columbia River in British Columbia. Kenzie hopes to create a welcoming, judgement free and safe space for people from all walks of life to relax and recover. A massage therapist since 2010, she also holds an Outooor Recreation degree. Kenzie recently graduated from Eight Branches College of Eastern Medicine with a diploma in Acupuncture & Moxibustion, and is currently preparing to write her licensing exams in 2025.
Kenzie has a diverse practice but her main focus is working with lymphatic system concerns including lymphedema & lipedema. She is fully certified through Vodder to perform combined decongestive therapy, and fitting of medical compression. She also loves helping people with nervous system concerns including, headaches, concussions, stress, etc.
Fireweed Wellness was born because Kenzie was practicing under her name for quite a few years, but with her learning expanding she wanted an umbrella to clearly outline the different facets of her training. Scopes of practice are a thing, and not everything she is trained in falls under the scope of massage. This new branding creates a succinct place for all that information to live, hopefully without causing confusion over what can be considered massage therapy, and what cannot.
Why Fireweed? Well, it's her favourite flower and it has some pretty cool herbal properties. It's also a pioneer species, thriving in disturbed soil, holding space for other plants to grow big and strong.